Its been a while! I think I burned out on trying to blog 6 days a week, and then my kids hit some major transitions that needed more of my attention... and before I knew it, the gap had widened so far that it was hard to return.
I wasn't idle during those quiet months and the holidays had me crafting just for the joy of it!
As my son is a ballet dancer, we have a collection of over 25 nutcrackers since everyone seems to believe that its the
perfect gift. I decided to give it my own spin this year and made a Fighting Pickle nutcracker! UNCSA has no sports teams, so the mascot has always been tongue in cheek.
We love to make our own ornaments for the tree. I still have the paper stars the kids colored with crayon back when they were toddlers. These felt stars were a blast to create and I anticipate doing a whole lot more in coming years. My daughter has especially taken to embroidery and is now crafting plushie mustaches!
The holidays are over and with the new year, I have new goals. I'm glad to be back, and I intend to keep my posting to 3 times a week. Hopefully this will spell success for my longevity. Thanks for hanging in there with me. :)